23 January 2018

The Sophomore Book 2 Chapter 7 Walkthrough

Love Interest: Zig

Chapter Seven: Try Again

In ITAILICS = Most preferred answer in my opinion
Underlined = Right answer

Main char's name = Jenylee.

Yes, but...
1) It's affecting us too.
2) You're both clearly unhappy with this situation.
3) We're all just worried about you.

Abbie, why don't you...
1) Weigh the pros and cons?
2) Give Tyler the chance to find a compromise?
3) Trust your gut?

I think...
1) They'll be okay.
2) They won't last.
3) We'll have to wait and see.

I think...
1) It would be exciting.
2) I'd rather wait a while longer.

1) You should bring it to dinner tonight! 18 diamonds *
2) I'd love to see it sometime!

1) Always here to help my friends.
2) Confident that James has what you're looking for.

I'd say James's strength is...
1) Romance.
2) Capturing the complexity of character. +2 Support
3) Thinking of big words!

He's also...
1) The former head of the school newspaper. +2 Support
2) A big reader.
3) Really funny!

Wow, I...
1) Wish I could thank him.
2) Knew he was a softie all along. Can't believe he's gone.

*CONFIDENCE IMPROVED James feels more confident about his writing.

THE WRITE CHOICE James impressed Collin at dinner!

1) That was all you.
2) I'm here for you.

1) Let's get going already! 19 diamonds
2) I'm actually gonna head home.

*Let's get going already!*

1) James's continued success! 
2) Hanging out with you again! 
3) My flourishing literary career!

CONFIDENCE IMPROVED You helped James feel more confident.

(I'm going to dance...)
1) And tell people about James's movie. 
2) On a table.

DANCING QUEEN You danced the night away at the club.


Totally. I would have...
1) Ducked behind the nearest coffee table.
2) Started crying.
3) Told her where she can stick that Uagluag!

CONFIDENCE IMPROVED You helped Becca feel more confident.

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