1 July 2018

America's Most Eligible Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Chapter One: Who Has What It Takes

Main char's name = Arnel

In ITAILICS = Most preferred answer in my opinion
Underlined = Right answer

Note: I must to say this book will be really complicated to make correct walkthrough. Because you might like someone I dislike and vice versa. I need to figure out how to do it better way. But I’ll try my best to show all options. Choices will be updating after I check them. 
All names by default.


I'm here for...
1) Fame and fortune.
2) Love.
3) Drama, drama, and more drama.

- Contestant in maroon
- Contestant in pink
- Contestant in tan
- Contestant in green

1) Everyone can use a friend.
2) This is my chance to be in the spotlight!

1) Jen, are you okay?
2) Whitney, do you know how many people would kill to be in your shoes?

But most of all, reality TV is...
1) A reflection of who you are.
2) A reflection of society.

1) Arnel!
2) The next contestant on America's Most Eligible.
3) The fiercest man you've ever met.

1) Kiss Jen!
2) Rip off your clothes!
3) Throw a drink in Piper s face!

Limited time of choice:
1) Jump out of the way! 
2) Panic and freeze! 
3) Catch the light stand!

But you can call me...
1) The Girl Next Door.
2) Your new girlfriend.

Come on, Adam...
1) For me?
2) Don't make me make you.

What do you do?
1) Sneak off to the beach with Adam. 12 diamonds
2) Wait for Jen at the house.

*Sneak off to the beach with Adam.*

Limited time of choice:
1) Sprint away! 
2) Trip and fall!

1) Jump in the water!
2) Offer to rub sunscreen on Adam's back.

Wait a second...
1) You're the producer who assigns roles, aren't you?!
2) You were the original Boy Next Door before Whitney took your title!
3) You must be the Boy Next Door from last season!

Tell me...
1) Why did you sign up for AME in the first place?
2) Do you think I have a chance at winning?

1) How do I know I can trust your advice?
2) I'll judge Jen for myself.
3) Thanks for the tip.

1) Lean your head on his shoulder.
2) Watch the waves...

1) Kiss Adam...
2) Splash him!


1) I hope your aura knows how to tango. ↑Teagan + 2
2) I don't do auras. Teagan – 1

1) You're gettin' a little handsy there, Zeke. ↓Zeke – 1 ↑Bianca + 2
2) We'd burn it up even more as a threesome. ↑Zeke + 2 ↓Bianca – 1

The same team, huh?
1) I hope we get to spend lots of time together. ↑Derek + 1
2) Last I checked. AME isn't a team sport. ↓Derek– 1
3) In that case, you’d better pull your weight. ↑Derek + 1

So, what's the deal with...
1) Adam?
2) Derek?

3) Everyone flirting with me nonstop?

- THE SUITRESS 20 diamonds

1) Uh, what's a Confessional?
2) This is so cool!

1) Actually, can you go over it again?
2) Let's get started!

1) I'm fine as hell. ðŸ˜‰+FLIRT
2) Anyone would be better than those uggos out there. ðŸ˜ˆ+VILLAIN
3) I'm not sure I am America's Most Eligible... +SWEETHEART

They think I'm an underdog, huh?
1) If they underestimate me. I'll make them pay. ðŸ˜ˆ+VILLAIN
2) Well, we all know America loves an underdog. +SWEETHEART
3) Let's just say that's my favorite...😉+FLIRT

I think love is...
1) The best feeling in the world. +SWEETHEART
2) Sexy as hell. ðŸ˜‰+FLIRT
3) Made up by corporations to get your money. ðŸ˜ˆ+VILLAIN

HEART OF GOLD You chose to be America's Sweetheart! (If you mostly choose SWEETHEART)
WINK WINK You chose to be America's Flirt! (If you mostly choose FLIRT)
NECESSARY EVIL You chose to be America's Villain! (If you mostly choose VILLAIN)

↑Teagan + 2
↑Bianca + 2
↑Derek + 1
↑Zeke + 2

*STYLE ICON You impressed the other contestants with your new look!

↑Adam + 3
RELATIONSHIP UP! Adam now likes you! (if you Sneak off to the beach with Adam)

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