13 December 2017

LoveHacks Book 2 Chapter 13 Walkthrough

Chapter Thirteen13 Times Burning Sands Was Lit

Main char's name = Analyn.

Playing as Analyn.

That sounds...
1) Lit! ☺#WIN
2) Dirty.
3) Like a fire hazard.

1) Aiyana likes you for you.
2) You shouldn't write notes where she'll see them!

- SPARKS FLY 25 diamonds

Playing as Sereena.

Yeah! I love how Burning Sands is all about...
1) Pyromaniacs united for art!
2) A more connected and creative existence in the world. ☺#WIN

What part of the festival do you explore?

*The bicycles!*

1) I think this guy's on something.
2) I like this guy!
3) I have way better ideas than this guy.

*The art exhibits!*

Limited time of choice:
(I should...)
1) Tell Keo to stop him!
2) Let it burn.☺#WIN
3) Douse the torch!

*The campsite!*

You're the manager now?
2) Isn't that selling out?
3) ...Are you happy with the promotion?

*The music stages!*

Oh, I know! You should write about...
1) The party scene.
2) The 20 principles. ☺#WIN
3) The paparazzi.

Limited time of choice:
(I should...)
1) Run away!
2) Huddle by shelter! ☺#WIN

(I should...)
1) Huddle closer to Aiyana.
2) Close my eyes and wait out the storm.

Playing as Analyn.

What do you do?
1) Take Mark back to the tent. 20 diamonds
2) Take Ben back to the tent. 20 diamonds
3) Take Leah back to the tent. 20 diamonds
4) Grab your phone by yourself.

*Take Mark back to the tent.*

(I should...)
1) Sit on Mark's lap!
2) Start a pillow fight!

(I should...)
1) Keep going.
2) Pull back.

#PORTINASTORM You and Mark had some alone time during the sandstorm!

*Take Ben back to the tent.* 

(I should...)
1) Point to my lips.
2) Point to my chest.
3) Point to my hip.

(I should...)
1) Do a little strip tease...
2) Demand a strip tease.

(I should...)
1) Get on top.
2) Pull away...

#PORTINASTORM You and Ben had some alone time during the sandstorm!

*Take Leah back to the tent* 

(I should...)
1) Make out.
2) Do a little sexy 'research' for our article.

(I should...)
1) Find some privacy.
2) Find the right person.
3) Just go for it!

(I should...)
1) Kiss her lower...
2) Pull back.


Playing as Sereena.

#VETERANBURNER You impressed Aiyana with your Burning Sands know-how!

What do you do?
- Sneak away with Aiyana. 16 diamonds
- Stay with the group.

*Sneak away with Aiyana.*

(I should...)
1) Scoot closer... ♥#WIN
2) Rest my head on her shoulder. ♥#WIN

True, but...
1) I like spending time with you. ♥#WIN
2) I like trying new things. ♥#WIN

(I should...)
1) Kiss her!
2) Hug her.

(I should...)
1) Take control.
2) Let Aiyana kiss me senseless.

#DESERTOASIS You and Aiyana snuck away during Burning Sands!


1) It's beautiful...


  1. Oh my that Sparks Fly outfit is the Best!!!! Sooooo mad I'm like 3 diamonds short right now... Ugh I try not to use my diamonds on clothes that don't have a major impact on the story (like some in Royal Romance do) but I WANT that outfit! The colorful hair just adds to my desire for it! Lmao

    1. This outfit is cool, but sadly you don't have many chapters ahead to use it T_T


Veil Of Secrets Chapter 16 Walkthrough

Chapter Sixteen:  All's Well That Ends... Main char's name = Lencel In ITAILICS  = Most preferred answer in my opinion ...